From “just a job” to a career

We have a degree for you

I am pleased to welcome you to the College of Health and Human Sciences (CHHS) at 密歇根州立大学丹佛.

As Dean, I understand how important the decision to attend college can be.

As a first-generation student, I also appreciate the opportunities that a degree brings. I did not know where it would take me, but I knew that I had to earn my degree. After over 21 years as a practicing nurse and an officer in the US Air National Guard and US Army, and now as Dean of an amazing college serving over 4,000名学生, I can tell you – my education took me places I never dreamt I could go!

Whether you are new to college, transferring from another college, or returning to college after time away, 皇冠官网网站为你准备了一个地方.

Our college specializes in career-oriented degree programs in high-demand fields in the areas of healthcare, 社区健康, 公共安全. These are no ordinary careers for ordinary people – but careers that help people live better and are for people who are passionate about making a difference. If you have that passion, we have a program for you.

Our college is home to over 30 under研究生学位, 研究生学位, and certificate programs that aim to prepare you for a meaningful career in medical, 心理和行为, 社区健康, 安全, 和幸福. Our classes are taught by faculty (not assistants) who are recognized experts in their fields. Faculty are student-centered, offering flexible delivery options and schedules. Faculty design classes to help you engage with other students and faculty so that you gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for your course of study. Our programs offer hands-on experiential learning and real-world internships so that when you graduate, you not only have the knowledge and skills but also the connections for you to take the next step toward your career goals.

I hope you take some time to explore our webpages to learn about our degree and scholarship opportunities and meet our faculty and staff. We are here to help guide you through your academic journey so that you find your place in the world.

Thank you for visiting and we look forward to you joining us!




Hope Szypulski, DNP | Dean
College of Health and Human Sciences
Metropolitan State University of 丹佛
校园包厢8号,P.O. 173362箱, 科罗拉多州丹佛80217-3362


We look forward to meeting you!





College of Health and Human Services
P.O. 173362箱